Wednesday Nights @ Connection

Join us on Wednesday nights @ Connection Church in Sturgis, as we begin a new format for discipleship and connecting or community with God's Word.

Connection Families will launch on 02/21/2024--this Wednesday-- starting  @ 6:30p and ending around 7:30p.m.  

Each Wednesday we will meet to study God's Word together.  There will be a lesson and opportunities for discussions and feedback, followed by a dedicated time of prayer.  Each Sunday prior, there will be a handout related to studying God's Word on Wednesday.

We encourage you to take one and between Sunday afternoon and Wednesday night, sit down together as a family, read over the Scripture references and think/answer or go over the applications and questions provided.  We also encourage you read and think of three things

A lightbulb:  What stuck out in your time in Scripture?  Maybe it's something you've never learned before, or something that hadn't remembered in a long time, but it grabbed your attention

An arrow:  What is something from the Scripture that impacted you, taught you a truth about God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit?  Maybe there was a conviction you experienced.

A question: Are there any questions regarding what you read?  Maybe there's some understanding you need or just a fun, interesting question that pops up.  Or is there a question of obedience God is leading you towards? 

Record these and discuss them as a family together.  Dig into God's Word as a family or just yourself, if that's where you are at. Either way, we just desire you to invest in God's Word.

This time is open to ANYONE.  If you are a part of Connection Church and plan to attend, reach out to someone and invite them. This is open to anyone who desires to study God's Word, learn, and grow in faith.  

You are loved.

Pastor Matt Price

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